Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Is Beauty?

When thinking about nature, the most beautiful thing I can think of is clouds. Beauty is serenity to me. The beauty comes from the mystery associated with them, and how no two clouds are ever the same. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Commercial vs. Artistic

Many commercial photos try to sell happiness, and the photographers have established this kind of aura with the subject. I tried to achieve this same effect with my friend, by having her strike a pose and give me a huge smile. I think that this picture is a little artificial, but that is the way with most commercial photos. 

This is my artistic photo, which is a more sincere representation of her personality. She's a really enthusiastic and crazy person, but also has very down-to-earth moments. She's very warm and loving, and has the kind of smile that cheers up everyone around her. I think that this photograph of her really represents her gentle side, which is a very different feel compared to the commercial photo.